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Resveratrol Plus 20 kapsulių

Resveratrol Plus 20 kapsulių

Benfida Resveratrol Plus is een voedingssupplement dat een krachtige combinatie van gestandaardiseerde resveratrolrijke plantenextracten bevat, waaronder Japanse duizendknoop en druivenpitextract. Deze extracten zijn rijk aan resveratrol in al zijn vormen, evenals talrijke andere polyfenolen en flavonoïden. Resveratrol staat bekend om zijn antioxidatieve eigenschappen, die helpen bij het bestrijden van vrije radicalen en het ondersteunen van een gezonde celveroudering. Het supplement bevat ook quercetine, een flavonoïde die synergetisch werkt met resveratrol om de algehele gezondheid te bevorderen. Door dagelijks één capsule in te nemen, kun je profiteren van de voordelen van deze krachtige antioxidanten.
Revilab ML 07 vyrų sveikatai - Revilab preparatai

Revilab ML 07 vyrų sveikatai - Revilab preparatai

Revilab Peptide ML – series of multicomponent peptide preparations, which uniqueness consists in principle of all-in-one action. Action of these new-generation bioregulators is directed to delaying aging processes, maintenance of normal level of metabolic processes, prevention and correction of various states; rehabilitation after serious diseases, injuries and operations. Effective action of Revilab Peptide ML is due to hi-tech formula. Each of 9 preparations contains a number of short peptides, antioxidants and building material for cells. It renders faster effect for various systems of an organism, launching internal restoration function. Brand:Revilab peptide preparations Bulk:30 capsules by 0,45 g Expiry date:02.07.2026 Barcode:4627099311136 Article:7010070
BIO Atsipalaidavimas

BIO Atsipalaidavimas

Tenir hors de portée des jeunes enfants Ne pas dépasser la dose conseillée A consommer dans le cadre d’une alimentation variée et équilibrée et d’un mode de vie sain. Déconseillé aux femmes enceintes, aux enfants de moins de 12 ans, aux personnes souffrant d’allergie aux produits de la ruche. Contient de la caféine. Trace de céréales contenant du gluten, fruits à coques, sésame.


PROTEX is an excellent quality emulsion paint for interior and exterior use, with great hiding power and exist the 10 basic colour. It’s suitable for the colour mix of plastic and acrylic paints. It’s suitable for plaster, concrete, bricks and wood. It has great working and levelling properties, strong adhension and quick drying. It gives a beautiful mat finish. Information: Emulsion paint based on P.V.A-VEOVA copolymer. Applycating with brush, roller or airless and thinning with 5-10% clean water. The spreading rates are 9-12m²/Lt. on previously prepared surfaces. It drying normally on touch after 1-2 hours and recoatable after 3 hours. Times make different under cold or dump conditions PACKAGE:0,17 LT, 0,375 LT, 0,75 LT, 10 LT, 3 LT COLOR:Black, Blue
PRIEDAI Balta dažai

PRIEDAI Balta dažai

Protects the outdoor insulation from U.V. and inclement weather. White paint:0.75 litre
Mineral Plus

Mineral Plus

Mineral Plus
Racing Extra Skystis Šaltas

Racing Extra Skystis Šaltas

La linea RXL è l'evoluzione della linea RL, che è stata sviluppata e presentata recentemente, ma ne abbiamo aumentato ancora le prestazioni grazie all'utilizzo di additivi privi di fluoro che aumentano la scivolosità e la lucentezza della soletta trattata. La linea RXL dà extra accelerazione, extra repellenza ad acqua e sporco, extra resistenza all'abrasione. Ha un campo di utilizzo molto ampio in quanto è adatta a tutti i tipi di neve: naturale o artificiale, poco o molto trasformata. 80 ml Cod. Art:RXLC Ean Code:8022937436662 Temperatura aria:-5C°... -15C° Umidità aria:H° 0-100% Tipo di neve:tutti con poca umidità Umidità neve:secca, poco umida Applicazione:a freddo: stendere con il tampone, lasciare asciugare Confezione:80ml / box 10 pz
Miško medus

Miško medus

La miel de Bosque no es producidas por las abejas a partir del néctar de flores, sino de un mielato que exudan las encinas, alcornoques y robles. Su color es mucho más oscuro que el resto de las mieles, su olor es tostado y su sabor es menos dulce que el resto de mieles, con toques salados. Se envasa artesanalmente en formatos para comercio retail o en formatos de mayor capacidades para la industria.
Baltas Betonas Sausas HA25

Baltas Betonas Sausas HA25

It is a conglomerate of marble and cement aggregates, bagged in a dry state so that the user, by mixing it with the indicated water, can obtain a mass concrete, reinforced or pre-contracted, of adequate and constant quality. Compressive strength:>25 N/mm2 Minimum cement content:275 Kg/mm2 Consistency of fresh concrete - settlement:60-90 mm Maximum size of aggregates:12 mm


•Klor bazlı, deterjan katkılı yardımcı yıkama ve dezenfeksiyon maddesidir. •Beyaz çamaşırların ağartılmasında, uygun yıkama programı ile güvenle uygulanır. •Hastane çamaşırlarının temizlik ve dezenfeksiyonu ile temizliği yapılan sert yüzey ve zeminlerin dezenfekte edilmesinde kullanılır. •Ağartma gücünü çamaşıra düzgün olarak dağıtan ve stabilize ederek çamaşırın yıpranmasını engelleyen özel katkılar içerir. •Viskoz yapısı nedeni ile dik yüzeylerde hemen akmayıp tutunarak etkin bir temizlik ve dezenfeksiyon sağlar. •Lavabo, küvet vb. yerlerin temizliğinde sabun kalıntıları, kir ve kireç tabakalarının giderilmesinde etkilidir. •Özellikle mermer tezgah ve banyoların temizliğinde güvenle kullanılır. •Kanal ve giderlerde oluşan kötü kokuları etkin bir şekilde giderir.
Plus Sigma - Platinoil Plus

Plus Sigma - Platinoil Plus

Spécifique pour les produits riches en sucre et/ou protéine. Protège le matériel de cuisson. Parfaitement adapté aux formes et platines en aluminium recouvertes ou non d’un coating. Spécifique pour les produits de longue conservation. Viscosité :± 170 mPa.s (25°C) Valeur d’iode:± 40 Indice peroxyde:Max. 3 POIDS SPECIFIQUE:920 kg/m3 (20°C) Formats disponibles:10L – IBC 1000L
HARZ Labs Form2 Modelis Baltas Derva (0,5 kg) - SLA Derva

HARZ Labs Form2 Modelis Baltas Derva (0,5 kg) - SLA Derva

Designed for printing models that have high requirements in mechanical properties. Durable, non-shrinking and odorless
Plastikinių Lęšių Poliravimo Priemonė 200ml Dėžutė

Plastikinių Lęšių Poliravimo Priemonė 200ml Dėžutė

Gebrauchsfertige Flüssigpolitur Speziell zum polieren von Kunststoff, Polycarbonate und Acrylmaterial entwickelt Auch für Glas und Metall geeignet


Graisse polyvalente au savon de calcium résistant à l eau, utilisée dans la lubrification générale des véhicules, la lubrification des châssis et des roulements plats avec des roulements lisses et à rouleaux à faible cycle. Résistant à l eau; par conséquent, il protège le système contre l usure et la corrosion. Fournit des performances supérieures grâce à une lubrification rapide et efficace dans les applications où la température est
Innolux Primer - UV Danga Aukštos Kietumo

Innolux Primer - UV Danga Aukštos Kietumo

Walzgrund für Holz auf Basis UV-vernetzbarer Polyacrylatharze; verleiht UV-AC-Walzlackaufbauten eine ausgezeichnete Haftung zum Untergrund bei starker mechanischer Belastung. Innolux Primer Auftragsart Walzen
Rubis Antibakterinis Muilas Dėžutėje 150 Gr - Antibakterinė Priežiūra

Rubis Antibakterinis Muilas Dėžutėje 150 Gr - Antibakterinė Priežiūra

Contains chemical ingredients that assist in killing bacteria and germs A piece of 150 gr soap in a box VARIANTS:Antibacterial PRODUCT CODE:C073 Category:Antibacterial Care Number of pieces in a box:48 Weight of the box:6 kg
Engobeton baltai degintas Super White T100

Engobeton baltai degintas Super White T100

Engobeton weißbrennend Super White T100


It has been specially developted with the content of Rosehip, Rice extract, Vitamin C, along with Arbutin naturally obtained from Lumiskin and Bear Grape leaves obtained from the Chilean Baldo Tree bark. It helps to prevent re-formation by controlling the production nof melanin that causes skin blemishes. It supports the balancing and brightness of the skin tone with its naturel extracts. It helps to brighten the skin and remove blemishes with the Vitamins C it contains. With its SPF 15 protection factor, it helps to protect the skin from the harmful factors of the sun and moisturizes the skin deeply. It is suitable for use in sensitive and special ares in skin blemishes, acne, freckle, armpit, knee and elbow darkening with its herbal ingredients.


Lux ist eine renommierte Marke, die sich auf die Herstellung hochwertiger und luxuriöser Produkte spezialisiert hat. Mit einer reichen, jahrzehntelangen Geschichte hat sich Lux als Marktführer in der Schönheits- und Körperpflegebranche etabliert. Die Marke bietet eine breite Produktpalette an, darunter Seifen, Duschgels, Lotionen und Düfte. Eines der Hauptmerkmale der Lux-Produkte ist ihr exquisiter Duft. Lux beherrscht die Kunst, fesselnde Düfte zu kreieren, die einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen. Die Marke nutzt eine Kombination aus natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen und innovativer Technologie, um einzigartige und verführerische Düfte zu entwickeln, die unterschiedliche Vorlieben bedienen.
Karališkoji želė 1500 - Gyvybingumas

Karališkoji želė 1500 - Gyvybingumas

Royal jelly. Exhaustion, stress, convalescence, nervous depression, skin conditions, hair weakness, jobs intense physical and intellectual, growth, children, pregnancy, old age and athletes. FOOD SUPPLEMENTS MANUFACTURERS SINCE 1983 Produced in a E.U. certificated laboratory. ISO 9001. Quality management certification.
F30 Fluoro Milteliai

F30 Fluoro Milteliai

F30 Fluor Powder Cod. Art:F30 Ean Code:8022937433470 Temperatura aria:-2C°... -7C° Umidità aria:H° > 50% Tipo di neve:neve artificiale, neve in trasformazione Umidità neve:umida Applicazione:applicare a caldo T° ferro 170C°
Karališkoji Želė Vital - STIPRINA VITALUMĄ

Karališkoji Želė Vital - STIPRINA VITALUMĄ

Stimulating and toning, reinforces the functions psychic Improves the general state. Increase natural defenses of the organism. Shortens the period of convalescence of influenza and states catarrhs